Life Update & Dealing with the State of the World

I Have Missed You so Much!
It is currently 2:30am, I love writing late at night when the world around me is fast asleep, it gets so quiet I can almost hear myself think. I owe you all an apology for being gone for so long without any explanation, nothing new on here in a few months yet you still come by, read through pages and pages of my words and some of you even subscribe (yes I check my analytics every week). For that I want to thank you! I stopped creating content all together since October last year, truth is I was just mentally drained guys, weeks became months and I honestly enjoyed just focusing on the day to day, not thinking about what I was going to post next.
Little update on my life, some of you might know I work at a local hospital, therefore I haven’t really stopped working throughout the whole pandemic. I did lose my second job which I loved but I’ve been able to manage. These last few months I’ve been m.i.a have given me a lot of time for personal growth, I watch motivational/self help videos every morning before I start my day, and it has really changed my outlook on life. I almost feel like a new version of myself, in a good way. Surprisingly I have also made a few new friends along the way, which is mind blowing considering the pandemic and not been able to really socialize. Over all, I think I’m at really good place mentally right now and probably the main reason I decided to come back. Regardless of whatever is going on in the world, I’m thankful for this day, this time, and my life.
Other than that, like the rest of you I’m sure, I’ve subscribed to possibly every single streaming service out there. Finally got around to watching Euphoria (which I loved by the way), and all 8 seasons of Game of Thrones, only the best show on earth, though, wtf was that ending about? Yikes! I’m slowly getting back to doing the things I’m passionate about and it feels great. We really don’t know how long it will take for life to go back to what it was before so we have to make the best of this new norm and keep pushing forward!