Life Update: A Busy Year Ahead!

Imagery by Vanessa Lovos
I’m Alive!
I know I know, I’ve been m.i.a on here, forgive me, truth is I have been trying to live life, an extremely busy life at the moment btw. Someone came up to me at work yesterday and said “hey you haven’t been posting on your blog” and I almost felt embarrassed, what kind of a blogger am I? Shout out to Terece if you’re reading this :). But in my defense I’ve kept my Instagram game pretty consistent at least. If you follow me on there you’d know I went to Chicago in December, which in part is one of the reasons why I’ve been so preoccupied.. I actually went up there for a graduation and came back so inspired to pick up the books again and study for my nursing board. I don’t open up about this a lot on my social platforms just because I don’t think anyone’s interested but I actually finished nursing school a while back, just need to pass the state board! So basically, that’s the reason why I’ve gone radio-silent on here, between my two jobs, gym, relationship, shooting outfits on the weekends and now studying for a state exam you’d imagine I don’t have much time left to sit and write, but I promise I’ll do my best from now on, I just don’t want it to feel forced, ya know…
“hey you haven’t been posting on your blog”
Anyways so this year is going to be a good one, I already have a couple of concerts lined up I’m going to (tickets already paid for so its happening), and hopefully trips out of the country as well. I also really want to start posting on YouTube, I’m actually filming later today, just got a new pair of Balenciaga sneaker and I’m gonna unbox them!
Thats it for today, thanks for checking on here now and then guys, I see visits from Canada, the UK, even India (mind blowing), and it is truly an amazing feeling knowing someone across the world comes on here and reads what I have to say. again, thank you, and I hope you have an amazing week!
Much love, A.
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