Weekend in Rock Hill, South Carolina
Imagery by Elly
So Paula Moved…
I’m sad yal, my bestie, my confidant, my main bitch has moved to another state, with no regards for my problems or feelings, after everything we’ve gone through, she’s left to pursue a life of her own. In my last attempt to cling to what we once had I decided to follow her to what she now calls home, Rock Hill, a boring-ass town in North Carolina, I mean South (there isn’t much difference), only in-town-attraction being a Neiman Marcus with a Balenciaga section, so I’m guessing she’ll be spending a lot of her free time at the local mall.. cute.
But anyways, I’ve decided to put my emotions on hold and bless yal with some candid shots Elly (our other friend that lives there) took of me walking around a local park, probably the only local park they have I must say, with nothing but malnourished-looking squirrels and lots of dog poop everywhere.
No I’m being funny lol, I had so much fun throughout the weekend, and if you followed my Instastory you were witness to that. Paula is rally that b and I’m really proud of her for just picking up and leaving just for the sake of trying something new and the need for a change of scenery. She also got a really good job over there which is ultimately the reason why she made the move.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by kids, I’m working on a new YouTube video, prob up this Sunday. XX