A Sad Little Story I Wrote...

A Sad Little Story I Wrote...

And so it finally hit him…

He had been trying so hard to stay in this place where his presence was simply… not wanted. There were so many signals and red flags, one after another, but he’d quickly turn a blind eye time after time. He failed to see the root of all the problems he’d been going through, because very deep down within him he had this absurd idea or hope that someday, somehow everything was going to work itself out…

“he had this absurd idea or hope…”

He had been grieving this loss for a while and got so sick of feeling sad.. he was never wanted and he forced and subjected himself to poor treatment, all because he didn’t see the truth for what it was. Like trying to fit a square into a circle, silly him, he was merely tolerated out of… perhaps convenience, or only because he was the available option, but sure as hell not love, or even appreciation...
