15 Affordable Sweatshirts

Imagery by Luis Miguel
You’re about to sweat bullets…
First of, how cool is that cover photo!? What’s up kids, I hope you’re all doing well, quick update, I changed work locations, I’m a bit farther away from home now but the hours work way better. Still working for the same hospital but out of a different campus, three 12-hour-shifts a week, four days off every week, so much more convenient! I could travel anywhere and not even have to use my vacation hours. I can also get more content done and have more time for myself. I’m excited, it feels like a new chapter is about to begin!
Now that you’re all caught up lets get it! Sweater season is starting and I recently added a few new ones to my wardrobe. As per usual, I put together a curated list of my top affordable picks. A sweatshirt is a very versatile piece to own guys, you feel the cozy vibes while still pulling a presentable yet casual look like the one I’m wearing in these pictures. Perfect for those who work from home or when you’re meeting friends out and about.