Everything about my Photography Equipment!
Imagery by Vanessa Lovos
Lets talk Photography!
I started taking Instagram pictures about three years ago, shortly after, I created this blog with the sole purpose of showcasing my personal style. When I first started I never thought I’d get so invested, I mean for a long while I’d take ALL my pictures with my iPhone. As time went by, and my passion for content-creating grew stronger, so did my interest in photography. It was then when I decided to apply for a credit card at BestBuy and I purchased my first DSLR camera which I still use to this day!
Over time I have gotten countless messages from followers or just random people who come across my content regarding what camera & lens I use. So for today’s post I thought I'd share a full run down of my photography equipment!
Quick disclaimer, every single photo I upload, whether its here or on Instagram has been edited in Lightroom and has a “filter” added to it, so this post will give you basic education on photography and how to achieve the same image quality as me but DOES NOT mean your pictures will necessarily have the same color-shading or tones as mine!
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Cameras & Lenses
Canon Rebel T6i
The Canon T6i is my baby, this is the camera I previously mentioned buying from BestBuy over two years ago. It is the cheapest, most affordable DSLR from their range, and though it isn’t a full-frame camera it gets the job done! Perfect if you’re just starting out, it isn’t overwhelming and the menus are very user-friendly and easy to navigate. It already comes with a 18-55mm lens, I also purchased a 50mm, which is perfect for close-ups and details shots! My favorite feature about this camera is definitely WI-FI, which means you can connect it to your phone and use it as a remote! (can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone around town with my ME-FOTO tripod and taken outfit pictures ON MY OWN while people look at me like I have two heads or something)
Canon 6D Mark II
As of recent, I’ve partnered up with a friend who’s been taking my outfit pictures on the weekends. (credited at the beginning of this post). She has a Canon 6D Mark II, now this is one of the big guns! Almost triple the price of my T6i, it is a full-frame camera, which means exactly what it sounds like, it gets more of the surroundings in the frame. She shoots my outfits with a 24-70mm f2.8, the lower the f. number is the better for that blurred background effect we all love (from what I understand, I’m 100% self taught LOL)! Needless to say, the image quality is better with this camera. Just as the one I own, this camera already comes with a lens and features WI-FI as well.
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That’s it for today kids. If you enjoyed this post let me know below and also let me know if you would like to see a post about how I edit and what software I use to do so!