Styling the Dad Shoe & Which Ones to Buy!

Who said dressing like your pops ain't cool?
By now we've all seen them, big, bulky sneakers. Worn by Migos, JBalvin and prob every other fashion blogger on Instagram. The "dad" sneaker (because they literally resemble something your dad would wear) has taken the fashion world by storm. Surprisingly enough, the trend has prevailed through a whole year, yes they're still a thing!
In the past few months I’ve invested in 3 pairs, and you guys, these are legitimately the only shoes I wear any more! I love styling them and most of all I love how much of a statement piece they are, specially the Triple S’s, they’re definitely not for the faint of heart. Precisely, because of the silhouette and shape of this shoe, it CAN be quite intimidating at first when it comes to styling them, and In this post I wanted to put together a few looks I’ve shot in the past! Save this post to your favorites so you can always check back for reference!
This is your guide to styling the dad shoe!
*Make it make Sense
The main advise or tip I can give you is, make sure your pants, whatever kind you wear, are not skin tight! These shoes are clearly bigger than average, therefor, the outfit has to “make sense”. Same applies for your top, I usually go for an oversize t-shirt or shirt, I just feel like it complements the whole outfit better. Bottom line, stick to oversize pieces when putting a fit together!
Which ones to buy:
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